Pighal pathar bhi sakta hai,
ulat darya b sakta hai, k0i aawara sa panchi, palat kr aa b sakta hai..
J0 shab k mjh par hansti hai, w0 shab r0 b sakti hai..
M0habbt h0 b skti hai, m0habbt h0 b sakti hai..
"Starlight, star bright, she was my first kiss tonight; wish i am, wsh i might have this girl for the rest of my life"
I don't need anyone to
take advantage of my
weaknesses or my strengths,
I need someone
who will appreciate me
for everything that I am.
Leave "something" for "someone"
never leave "someone" for something"
in life "something" will leave u but "someone" willalways b with u.
"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."
assalam o alykum,tera mobile no kyon band hai hum bahut call kar rahe the par switchdoff bata raha hai.Tipu
mEaNinGfuL lInEs aBoUt lOvE
'LoVe mEaNs tO CoMmIt oNeSeLf wItHoUt gUaRaNtEe, To gIvE OnEsElF CoMpLeTeLy iN ThE HoPe tHaT OuR LoVe wIlL PrOdUcE LoVe iN ThE LoVeD PeRsOn. LoVe iS An aCt oF FaItH, aNd wHoEvEr iS Of lItTlE FaItH Is aLsO Of lItTlE LoVe...'
hAvE TeRrIfIc TuESdAy wItH LoVe dEaR fridEnD
I really miss U my Sis...