I Toched A Flower,Flower Said ,"I Love U".I Touched A Bird,Bird Said,"I Like U" I Touched A Rain,Rain Said,"I Miss U"I Touched You,You Said,"Friends Forever"GOOD MORNING & HAVE A NICE DAY
One Day God Tested Me,He Erase My Memory And Then Asked,"are you remember anyone?".Then Told Your Name.God Smilled And Said"some virus can't be deleted".GOOD NIGHT & SWEET DREAMS
One Day God Tested Me,He Erase My Memory And Then Asked,"are you remember anyone?".Then Told Your Name.God Smilled And Said"some virus can't be deleted".GOOD NIGHT & SWEET DREAMS
One Day God Tested Me,He Erase My Memory And Then Asked,"are you remember anyone?".Then Told Your Name.God Smilled And Said"some virus can't be deleted".GOOD NIGHT & SWEET DREAMS
'a pErSoN Is nEvEr hApPy eXcEpT At tHe pRiCe oF SoMe iGnOrAnCe... HaPpInEsS Is nOt a dEsTiNaTiOn, ItS A JoUrNeY,,, hApPiNeSs iS NoT ToMoRrOw,, iT Is nOw HaPpInEsS Is nOt a dEpEnDeNcY, iT Is a dEcIsIoN...'wIsHiNg a hApPy lIfE WiTh hApPy dAy... hi champ
Birds are Wake up Sun is Wake up Wind is Wake up Why are you sleeping? Oh,sorry you.you are waiting for my wishes.GOOD MORNING-HAVE A NICE DAY & HAVE A GREAT DAY