My Profile


Last login: 13 years ago
Skinner since: 14 years ago
Country/Area: Tapah, Perak
Gender: Female
Age: 29

Anonymous Identity

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Relation: Single
Mobile Model: W595
Mobile Operator: Sony Ericson
Occupation: Student
Schools: SMK Ketereh
I Like: Animals, Singing, Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you, you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for, 34, Bob Marley, Shopping mall, Eating Chocolate, H
Favorite Music: Hannah, Montana, 2AM, Jason, Mraz, MBLAQ, FT, Island, T, Ara, 티아라, 羅志祥, SHOW, Brown, Eyed, Girls, G, dragon, Daily, K, Pop, News, Lady, Gaga, Lee, Donghae, U, Kiss, Kyu, Hyun, SNSD♥Yuri♥Forever♥, Super, junior, Lee, teuk, Park, jung, soo, THe, tRUe, kpOp, fAnS, IDoLS, LOveR, A
Favorite Movies: Lee, Minho, 이민호, Michael, Jackson, 39, s, This, Is, It, Finding, Nemo, Toy, Story, Alice, in, Wonderland, Khloe, Kardashian, Selena, Gomez, Dr, House, Disney, 39, s, The, Lion, King, Kourtney, Kardashian, Over, da, Rainbow, Hanakimi, Japan, HAUNTED, CHANGI, Crows, Zero, Disney, my
Favorite Books: History, Harry Potter, Twilight series, Twilight Saga, Twilight, Im Not a Book Addict, bersangkutan dgn korea, HOLY QURAN, Buku Korea, Manga, A True Friend Is Someone Who Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While Everyone Else Believes the Smile on Your Face, SHI
Favorite Celebrities: Hannah, Montana, 2AM, Jason, Mraz, MBLAQ, FT, Island, T, Ara, 티아라, 羅志祥, SHOW, Brown, Eyed, Girls, G, dragon, Daily, K, Pop, News, Lady, Gaga, Lee, Donghae, U, Kiss, Kyu, Hyun, SNSD♥Yuri♥Forever♥, Super, junior, Lee, teuk, Park, jung, soo, THe, tRUe, kpOp, fAnS, IDoLS, LOveR, A
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i want a guy who are cool but say sweet things to you, a guy who would hug you
in the back if you're worried to death, and a guy who would say he'd
rather die than to lose you..♪

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